We are a bunch of individuals who have attained degrees from some of the premier educational institutions in India including IIM and IITs and have actively ventured in the field of education.
Need for this site stemmed as we realized the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest important issues arising in and out of the country.
We also realized that most of the people don't exactly know how to efficiently read a newspaper and they end up wasting a lot of time reading irrelevant news and articles which may not give them any edge as compared to others.
We don't claim to provide one stop solution which covers all the relevant topics and provide 100% relevant news, but it's any day better to read 80% relevant news, than wasting a lot of time in reading irrelevant news.
We also strive to create a repository of important news and articles, so that an individual can just skim through them a few days before their exams or important interviews.