The Delhi High court yesterday stayed the CIC order directing the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) to reveal information about marksheets and the recommendations of the Personality Test (PT) Board of the qualified candidates in the civil service examination in 2009.
Issuing a notice to Kumar Sauvir, whose plea was accepted by CIC for supply of the information, Justice Rajiv Sahai
Endlaw sought his reply by August 24 while granting the stay order on the Central Information Commission's (CIC) order.
Filing a petition challenging the CIC's order, the UPSC said disclosure of the marksheets, recommendations of the (PT) board over the successful candidates would not only endanger the process of secrecy but also damage the confidentiality of the civil service examination.
The UPSC also expressed its apprehension that the interested persons would manipulate or misuse the information supplied by the Commission.
In January this year, the CIC had allowed Sauvir's application in which he had stated that he appeared for civil service examination in 2009 but could not get through.
Aggrieved by the result announced by the UPSC, Sauvir had sought the information from UPSC in May 2009 but the Commission had refused to supply the information to him.
there is no any problem in divulging the information .all apprehension are only due to shortcomings made by them may get published .
ReplyDeleteWhen the things would be in public domain any sort of mistakes can be easily caught ;no one is perfect.
Veey nice blog.
ReplyDeletecic application status in process